Thursday, June 28, 2012

"Let's all go drink so we can ruin our livers and take advantage of our free healthcare!"

The ACA was upheld by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 vote with Chief Justice Roberts being the person to save the act.  I'm so psyched.  SOOOOOO psyched.  I was in my TA class this morning following the media coverage on the computer while my students took an exam.  It was all I could do to not stop them in mid-question around 9:20 and say, "History was just made.  Healthcare has truly become affordable for the vast majority of Americans!"  I was able to restrain myself though.

I've also been pondering a question I was asked yesterday: What do I consider to be the point of marriage and how do I see it connected to faith?  This came up during a conversation where I said I firmly believe you should be able to marry whoever you love, regardless of their gender and that I believed who you had sex with had very little to do with your parenting abilities.  I also said I didn't believe abstinence was the ONLY way to live.  So this was a valid question to ask - if marriage isn't necessary to legitimize sex or for procreation, why do it?  I had never had to articulate my response before so I fumbled through some statements but wasn't happy with my response.  So I slept on it and returned to my friend today with this answer:

I finally realized my understanding of marriage is deeply Baptist.  And please note here that I mean historical Baptist, not Southern Baptist (or whatever the SBC is calling itself now).  To me, marriage is a public declaration of a decision before God (if the people are religious), friends, and family, that has already been made between two people.  Similar to a profession of faith followed believers baptism, the commitment to change how one lives their life is made at the engagement and followed with a wedding.  Thus the marriage ceremony itself isn't necessary for two people to be committed to each other.  And marriages in a courthouse are just as legitimate as those in a church or on a Caribbean island.  But the point of the marriage is to "go public" - to not only commit yourself and be accountable to your spouse but to promise to all your friends and family and the friends and family of your partner that you WANT to and WILL share your life with them.

I don't believe in soul mates in the sense that there is only one person in the entire world out there.  I don't believe people should enter marriage expecting it to end in divorce.  I don't think the gender of your partner should matter in the eyes of the state, though I respect religious institutions' right to not conduct any marriage they do not support.  That said, I am proud that my mother has performed multiple same-sex marriages and I'm proud to have attended a church that conducted a same-sex wedding and openly embraced all members regardless of sexual orientation (that would be South Church UCC in Andover, MA).

Okay that's enough on marriage - as all-for-it as I am, I'm also a bit exhausted at seeing all my friends get engaged, married, or start having children.  I'd just like a boyfriend.  But moving 2000 miles across country isn't really conducive to starting a relationship, so that part of my life is on hold at the moment.  And that's okay.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Beginning of the End in Austin

The beginning of the end in Austin has begun and I've started crossing things off the bucket list:
  • Been to multiple new restaurants and venues in Austin, including a concert at Stubbs, La Zona Rosa, and The Backyard.
  • RGV & South Padre Island happened last weekend where I said a prolonged goodbye to a UMass bestie.
  • The Grove last night where I had an awesome dinner with awesome people under the awesome Austin evening sun.
Plans are in the works to make Schlitterbahn and brewery/winery tours happen and karaoke is booked for later in July.

Work-wise, the month of June has been productive but non-stop.  As there's only one (very busy) week left, the reality that come July 1st I have one month to pack this apartment, say goodbye to all the people I've grown to love here, and say goodbye to this city itself is becoming more and more apparent.  What's also becoming more apparent is the fact that though I will have a bit more time to watch TV and movies and exercise with my Wii in July, I need to sell my TV and that means I lose my DVR and Wii-playing capabilities for a while.  Luckily I can watch movies on my computer and many TV stations stream their shows, though often a week later.  I really need to open a Hulu Plus account.  And motivate myself to exercise despite the lack of Just Dance 3.

Things are moving very fast and many memories are being made and pictures are being taken (except when my battery empties - not even is low, the screen actually said "battery empty") and the end of Austin has begun.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Chris Hemsworth is lovely

It didn't take me over a week to write a new post because I forgot.  Rather I've been at a loss for what to write.

Letisha and I saw Snow White & the Huntsman last week.  In keeping with the original (i.e. not Disney) version of this story, I was thoroughly happy.  While it wasn't the epic I was hoping it'd be, I certainly left happy to have spent the money on the ticket.  For a pretty spot on review of the movie see my mom's friend's blog.  I'd probably agree with her on everything except that Chris Hemsworth needed redeeming from Thor.  Who cares if he acted well in that movie (which, for the record, I actually thought he did)?  Acting ability aside, he is a beautiful, beautiful creature. :)

In other news, my thesis is entirely drafted.  Turn around time from the adviser is allowing me time to get other things off my to-do list, but I won't lie: I want to be done with the thesis.  But I've got multiple jobs, small groups to lead, VBS to volunteer for, movie nights to attend, and an apartment to pack.  Or right and a city to see.

I've crossed Maudie's off my list.  On Thursday I'll cross the RGV off, as I'll head down there to visit Fallon for two nights.

Still gotta get Schlitterbahn, Six Flags, and brewery/winery tours.  And karaoke!  Let's make these happen people!

Finally, I watched a repeat episode of The Daily Show while eating dinner tonight and wound up crying from laughing so hard at this clip.  Watch it all the way through.  I promise it's worth it.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Life's River Shall Rise

My faith/love/affinity for concerts has been renewed.  I went to Collective Soul last night with my fellow UMasser, Fallon Wall.  I have had an enjoyable time at concerts lately.  Snow Patrol gets the crowd going really well.  And SXSW did allow me to see Mumford & Sons who are incredible performers.  But something was different last night.  I don't know if it was that I've listened to this band since I was young, if I was less than 5 feet from the stage, or if they're just better overall performers.  But last night was one of the best nights I've had since moving to Austin.  And since I was marking 2 months until I move to MA, it seemed somewhat appropriate timing.

Also, some who have gone out with me know I get aggravated when I get pushed around or bumped out of the way because I'm short.  And if you know Fallon, you know she shares my vertically-challengedness.  So we coined a phrase last night as some pushy concert-goers (and later bar-goers) tried to push in front of us:

We matter because we are matter.

So America, you have been warned.  We may be short, but our size doesn't mean we're easier to push in front of than average-height people.  I'd like to give a shout out to the upper-40s rocker couple who let Fallon and I in front of them last night about 10 minutes before the show started.  The guy hit it on the head when he said "Please come stand in front of me.  I can still see over your heads no problem."  You're right, good sir.  And I don't find that offensive.  I can't see over or around you at all.  Thank you for realizing proximity matters less for you than it does for my dear friend and I in terms of actually being able to see the band.

(Side note, I've had the Miss USA pageant on while working on things this evening.  They're doing a lip sync to "Call Me Maybe" that included Donald Trump singing along, asking America to call him, maybe.  I appreciate when people don't take themselves too seriously.  The Trumpster redeemed himself a bit tonight.)

I also have had time to cook recently.  Made my fave lemon-herb chicken tonight.  Want to do pulled pork BBQ soon, too.  Maybe July 4?  I've got the Sauers and everything.  Hoping to try some new recipes too and am taking suggestions.  Preferably stuff on the healthier side, and if anyone has tips on cooking seafood I'd appreciate it.  I've messed things up several times and gotten gun shy of spending the money on meat that gets thrown away.

Going back to July 4 - anyone in town that weekend?  I'd honestly be down to making pulled pork and yall bringing sides if people are up for it as one of my last big get togethers.