Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hi, My Name is Kristen, and I have a TV Addiction.


I'm a TA. A television addict, that is. It's sad really. Though addict isn't really accurate. I didn't turn on my TV until 7:30pm today. However, before I left my apartment at 1:50 this afternoon, I set my DVR for the 4 shows I wanted to make sure I see from tonight. And what's wrong with TV as a guilty pleasure? I will be the first to admit I don't watch a lot of thought-provoking TV. I mean, I got ticked off when I accidentally turned off my TV, which resulted in losing the 30 minutes of Project Runway I'd built up via the lovely pause-live-TV function. However, mindless TV viewing allows me to escape. Some people read romance novels or bike 10 miles. I settle down with a glass of water, some popcorn, my kitten, and the remote. Reading has become tedious, as I do so much for classes, and exercise is cathartic, but still a bit of a chore at times. TV is my escape from reality.

I am a TA in the teaching assistant sense. That starts Wednesday, as do my own classes. I'm glad 3 classes counts as a full course load, but something tells me the reading load for those 3 classes will beat out the 20 credit semester I had in undergrad. As for the TAing, I'm oddly pumped for it. And probably more relaxed about the entire grad school notion than I should be. I'll likely get smacked down with reality when I have so much work I forget my birthday or something like that.

In other news, I drove without my GPS today. Proud of myself because I didn't get too off-course.

Oh, and it took me an extra 10 minutes to write this blog. Not because I couldn't think of what to say. Not because someone called or came to the door. It took so much longer because my absolutely adorable kitten likes to run across and/or sit on my laptop, thus pressing all kinds of combination of buttons. At least she didn't rotate the screen this time.

G'night, yall.

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