Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hi, My Name is Kristen, and I have a TV Addiction.


I'm a TA. A television addict, that is. It's sad really. Though addict isn't really accurate. I didn't turn on my TV until 7:30pm today. However, before I left my apartment at 1:50 this afternoon, I set my DVR for the 4 shows I wanted to make sure I see from tonight. And what's wrong with TV as a guilty pleasure? I will be the first to admit I don't watch a lot of thought-provoking TV. I mean, I got ticked off when I accidentally turned off my TV, which resulted in losing the 30 minutes of Project Runway I'd built up via the lovely pause-live-TV function. However, mindless TV viewing allows me to escape. Some people read romance novels or bike 10 miles. I settle down with a glass of water, some popcorn, my kitten, and the remote. Reading has become tedious, as I do so much for classes, and exercise is cathartic, but still a bit of a chore at times. TV is my escape from reality.

I am a TA in the teaching assistant sense. That starts Wednesday, as do my own classes. I'm glad 3 classes counts as a full course load, but something tells me the reading load for those 3 classes will beat out the 20 credit semester I had in undergrad. As for the TAing, I'm oddly pumped for it. And probably more relaxed about the entire grad school notion than I should be. I'll likely get smacked down with reality when I have so much work I forget my birthday or something like that.

In other news, I drove without my GPS today. Proud of myself because I didn't get too off-course.

Oh, and it took me an extra 10 minutes to write this blog. Not because I couldn't think of what to say. Not because someone called or came to the door. It took so much longer because my absolutely adorable kitten likes to run across and/or sit on my laptop, thus pressing all kinds of combination of buttons. At least she didn't rotate the screen this time.

G'night, yall.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Meet Ruby Sox

I finally got a kitty! After saying I was going to get an adult cat, this little fuzz-budget (as my Mom calls her) caught my attention by climbing her cage, standing on her head, and kicking her food at my feet. Her name is Ruby Sox. She's 2 months old and absolutely adorable!

Just thought I'd share her with ya :)

Monday, August 9, 2010


I'm finally in Austin WITH internet. Time Warner was supposed to come install cable and internet the day I moved in. But they called the house in Methuen. Not sure why or how they even had that number. But it meant I went the weekend without either. Good thing I LOVE Glee.

As for boxes, the only ones left are books and one box of baskets and stuffed animals.

Still no cat. :( Hopefully today or tomorrow.

On the good side, though, I am able to get myself to a grocery store, restaurants, shopping, etc. Even successfully got myself to and from downtown yesterday. :)

More (interesting) posts once I'm more unpacked. Pictures will follow then too.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Driving Day 1

The New England chapter of my life has officially closed. At 8:10 this morning, I put the last bag in the truck, gave each cat a long head scratch, and locked the door behind me. Yes, there were tears. Yes, there is excitement. And a pretty loud rendition of bittersweet symphony playing in my head.

There's really not much to say about the drive, as 550 miles of highway isn't really that exciting. The 90 minute construction delay sucked. But driving through cow pastures and corn fields and rolling mountains was rather relaxing.

Oh and a shout out to Dan Mazella aka Bat Dan for helping load the moving truck Saturday. We definitely couldn't have done it without you! And to Kayla Falco for keeping the cats fed, hydrated, and played with while my 'rents are gone.

That's all I got!