Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Here we go

Massissipas - Someone who has been a resident of Massachusetts, Mississippi, and Texas.

That's about to be me.

After questions of "when are you getting a blog?" from person after person, I finally caved and am entering the blogosphere.

My mom gets a ridiculous number of catalogs and she's currently (jokingly) asking me how I'd like a Texas armadillo beer holder. I can get two fro $29.95! Or a life sized Easter Island monolith. Or a meerkat statue. I'm so glad she's joking.

As for my post-grad life, I spent the summer working at my dad's office and packing up my Massachusetts life. My boxes and furniture are nicely stored in a climate controlled space known as the family dinning room. Though the boxes are slowly creeping into the living room, making the entire main floor a bit of an obstacle course. My bedroom on the other hand is as clean and open it's been in probably 8 years.

The big adventure begins (or continues?) August 2. I'll keep ya posted...

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