Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I've come to realize something about myself.  I watch TV shows like I read book series.  I have to finish an entire season - in order - before I can move on to the next.  So I re-read Harry Potter starting with The Sorcerer's Stone, not reading random ones, even though Goblet of Fire and Deathly Hallows are my favorite.  Despite wanting to double check the consistencies between Breaking Dawn and the movie version, I don't want to re-read books 1-3 of Twilight and thus have instead consulted the internet to verify the differences.  I'm sure LOTR truly is amazing to read but I can't get through the first 100 pages of The Hobbit and thus have never read the trilogy.

And when it comes to TV, I started "Doctor Who" at season 1 despite a bunch of people telling me to start at season 5.  I liked Eccleston.  I felt sad for the Doctor when Rose was gone and I'm wondering what the point of Donna was in the season 3 opener.  The same goes for shows that probably should be stand alone shows though like "Criminal Minds" and "SVU".  Each of those episodes are different cases (though there's the occasional To Be Continued...) and you'd think it wouldn't bother me that I couldn't record the whole season on my DVR.  But it did. So I scoured the internet looking for ways to catch up on both series.

Maybe I have a bit of OCD.  Maybe I get too wrapped up in the main characters' subplots that I can't just watch them sporadically.  I had to watch "Weeds" all the way through to the end, too.  "24" is an exception.  I don't remember what season I quit watching but eventually it just got a little too much for me.  But maybe that's not even that far off my "MO".  Because I still started at the beginning.  I just didn't finish.  I did that with the Narnia books too.  I haven't been able to get through The Magician's Nephew so I've never read The Last Battle, thus never finishing the series.

I'm also realizing this post is really random and am not at all offended if you haven't read this far.  But I just realized this about myself in the past day or so and am trying to figure out if I'm weird.  Or at least weird enough that I should be concerned.

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